Sanar Alixandyr is an Energy Healing Expert who has lived many lives. Her ‘Spiritual Awakening’ occurred when she immersed herself in the process of healing from PTSD. Through this process, she uncovered blocked memories from childhood where she experienced extensive abuse, which then resulted in her struggles as an adult with depression, suicidal thoughts, eating disorders and abusive relationships. Upon completion of her healing process, she wrote and performed her acclaimed one-woman musical drama entitled “BEAUTIFUL!”, thus documenting her healing journey.

This experience fueled her insatiable search for knowledge and ‘hands on’ experiences in the genre of Energetic Healing. Sanar became proficient in the holistic healing community as she assimilated a variety of cognitive, energetic and holistic therapies into a multi-faceted Energetic Healing Experience. Her current passion is the now available ‘Quantum Field’ Energetic Transformation Space. This ’Transformation Space’ provides a “Quantum Leap” in One’s Personal Energetic Healing Experience, which then facilitates a dramatic transformation in the ability to manifest more powerfully in the world.